Upcoming Events
Past Events
- Speaking at Balticon, Memorial Day weekend, 2014, Hunt Valley Inn
- The Devil Is In The Details (Panel), Fri 19:00 - 19:50, Salon C
- Shortening Your Books and Stories (Panel), Sat 19:00 - 19:50, Parlor 1026
- Speaking in Public for Writers (Panel), Sun 15:00 - 15:50, Parlor 1041
- Pay It Forward (Panel), Mon 11:00 - 11:50, Salon C
- How Hard Can it Be? Jumping out of Genre (Panel), Mon 12:00 - 12:50, Chase
- April 12, 2014, Invited lecture for Carroll County Writers group at the Piney Run Yurt, 2 p.m.
- January 2014, Marscon, Williamsburg VA, debuting some new costumes
- December 7, 2013, exhibitor at Local Authors Fair, N. Carroll County Public Library
- October 11-13, 2013, CapClave, Gaithersburg, MD. Speaking in five panels.
- October 5, 2013, MonsterFest, Chesapeake Library, VA. In costume manning a vendor table with horror books, fantasy illustrations, and taking orders for zombie portraits photos from MonsterFest X
- May 2013--Balticon, Baltimore MD, speaking in artist track panels A-3 (artist tools) and A-4 (collaborations), and in
New Media track panels NM-38 (Make your book shine!), NM-40 (Websites for Authors),
NM-49 (Kickstarter), and NM-52 (Steps to Successful Self-Publishing")
- August 2013--GenCon, Indianapolis IN, launch of Assassin Contracts game
- January 2013--MarsCon, Williamsburg VA
- ?? -- Launch of Tortured Souls (vol. 1), which will include short story "The Ghost in the Window" by Cassandra Hex. I'm wondering if Scarlett River Press has gone out of business
- December 2012 -- Launch of Bonded by Blood V anthology, which includes short story "Second Opinion" by Desdemona Pike.
- November 14, 2012 -- Launch of Zombies Gone Wild! (vol. I), which includes short story "Cindy Lou, Who?" by Cassandra Hex.
- October 12-14, 2012 -- Capclave 2012, love those workshops!
- October 10, 2012, Launch of Fundamentally Female, which includes memoir pieces "Authentic" and "Stylish", written about my grandmother.
- September 21-23, 2012 -- Participating in Facebook launch party for the Kindle version of Dan O'Brien's The Path of the Fallen (The Fallen Chronicles)
. - July 21, 2012 -- Betsy participated in the "open mike" performances at Birdie's Cafe in Westminster. She performed poems "Silent Orchestra" which appears in the July 2012 issue of Empirical Magazine, "Laundry of the Mind" from the Spring edition of Latitude on 2nd, and a short story "I'm a Believer" by Delfina Hex (her 2nd round heat-winning entry from the NYC Midnight Short Story Challenge), which will be appearing in Fabula Argentea in January 2013,
May 19, 2012 -- Betsy participated in the Carroll County MWA booth at the
Gaithersburg Book Festival.
- September 18, 2011 -- Betsy was the featured artist in the Plein Air booth at the Olney Farmer's and Artist's Market. The market is on route 108 near Prince Philip Drive and is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Sunday in season (May-October). Betsy was autographing books. Also for sale were giclee prints of some of Betsy's artwork and photography.
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